Related Realities (co-curated with Ariane Koek, Maija Tammi and Hannu Vanhanen for Backlight Photo Festival), Galleria Himmelblau, Tampere, Finland

Installation views: © 2020 Miska Allonen (for Backlight)

"Related Realities" is the main exhibition of Backlight Photofestival held in Tampere, Finland. It offers the viewer an opportunity to study and experience with their own senses how artists from all over the world are currently visualizing, understanding and interpreting the relationship between art and science.
The theme of the "Related Realities" exhibition highlights the fact that there is no single reality, but multiple realities. This is based on the idea of a union between art and science. This is manifested in the works at the exhibition and its publication as various combinations of the art-science relationship. Artists utilize exact science and new technology, but also find humour in the dead serious attitude towards science and art.
"Related Realities" is a large holistic work of art in its own right - a total installation. It consists of photographic prints of various sizes, large wallpapers, single- and multi-channel videos, soundscapes, texts, AI-controlled computer presentations, holograms, interactive works of art and artists’ photo books. The works reach from the walls of the Himmelblau gallery towards the center of the gallery. The black and white sections of the gallery space are like a laboratory where the viewer seeks to test out and discover new experiences. The exhibition is like a labyrinth where one can navigate based on ones own preferences.
